Platinum Cottages and Cabins Online Store
Platinum Park Home Sales Center
RV Park Homes and Cabins

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Platinum RV Cottages and Cabins
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We are located at 1201 Hwy 175W, Athens, Tx
(Click on the red dot below for directions)
Directions to see Platinum Cottages and Cabins at 1201 Highway 175W, Athens, Tx 75087

From Dallas - East on Hwy 175 towards Athens. We are just inside Loop 7 on the right.

From Tyler - West on Hwy 31 (Chandler Hwy) until loop 7 in Athens, North(right) on Loop 7 to Hwy 175(Mabank exit) turn left onto Hwy 175 . We are on Right side of Hwy 175 inside the loop

From Corsicana - West on Hwy 31 until loop 7 in Athens, north(left) on Loop 7 to Hwy 175 (Mabank exit) Turn Right onto Hwy 175 we are immediately on Right.
Call us at 903-292-5172 for exact directions, hours of operations, specials, and current inventory models